Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:1

There's more to being a Christian than just following Christ. We are called to become disciples. We are charged to go and make disciples. At South Point Church, we believe that disciples make disciples. We believe that everyone should go through discipleship, and when ready, one day disciple others as well. It is the heart of South Point Church to train, develop, and empower believers to go and carry out the Great Commission.

Our Discipleship Process

To Be Discipled

We use a simple and concise 13-week book that both parties use as a guide to help facilitate the discussion. We will connect you with someone who has completed the process in order to disciple others. Both parties can meet however often is needed or wanted.

To Disciple Others

If you would like to disciple others, we ask that you also fill out the form below and select "yes" to wanting to disciple someone. A staff member will contact you about this process, and what is needed to disciple others.

Questions about discipleship?

If you would like to be discipled, please fill out the brief form below and we will connect you with a leader to go through this program with you.